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Te Urunga Tū - High School Support Programme

Te Urunga Tū is Pūhoro's founding support programme. Launched in Manawatū in 2016, Te Urunga Tū has expanded into regions across Aotearoa.

As a part of this programme we partner with high schools and stakeholders to launch and grow rangatahi engagement in STEMM by delivering in-school sessions, tutoring, mentoring and regional termly wānanga.

Stakeholder support allows us to grow our regional delivery in locations of need and is fundamental to the on-going success of our kaupapa.

If you're interested in being a part of this kaupapa, check out our participating regions below.


"Seeing NASA particularly behind the scenes refuelled my desire to become and engineer. Seeing the incredible science behind it all was the best experience."

Female, Houston


“It was cool listening to the way they do karakia here. After blessing the food we handed over the taonga that many of us had been wearing over the past few days and sang them a waiata which brought tears to one of the peoples eyes. That was a beautiful thing to see”

Female, Hawaii


“I couldn’t stop smiling. This experience made me want to learn my language and understand my culture. For so long I felt empty in a cultural sense because I didnt feel strongly connected to my culture or have a real sense of identity. Now I feel like I am starting that journey and I am so excited.”

Female, Houston


"We also had to say goodbye to Mana Vautier, I just think that it is awesome that a man of his status in the world of science (NASA) is interested in us. I aspire to be like him one day."

Male, Hawaii


“I think that this experience has changed my life forever and has also left me wanting to learn more about my Māori culture and where I come from. It has enlightened something inside of me to want to keep fighting and protecting my culture.”

Male, Houston


"At the Wai’ope tide pools we got some kisses from the ocean (scrapes and bruises) and we got to see coral, kina and fish. It was awesome learning about peoples indigenous research methods about the loko’ia (fish ponds) and tidal pools."

Male, Hawaii


“This trip has changed my perspective on so many things. I love my culture and my land. I am so proud to be Māori. I’ve grown so much and want to immerse myself in my Māoritanga as much as I can.”

Female, Houston

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