Robin Hapi (Ngāti Kahungunu) is a prominent Māori leader who received the Insignia of a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Māori, the community and governance. Robin is the Chair of the Māori Economic Development Advisory Group, Board Member of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency; Chair of Kainga Ora and a member of the Te Pou Matakana Board. Robin has been a proud advocate for the Pūhoro kaupapa since its inception in 2016
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Advice for your Rangatahi
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Dr Will Edwards (Ngā Ruahine, Taranaki, Te Pakakohi, Tangahoe, Ngāti Ruanui) has worked extensively across the Māori development sector. He spent three years in post-doctoral study, researching the use of mātauranga Māori alongside Western science and achieved degrees in horticulture and Māori language, a Masters in Māori and Development Studies and a Public Health PhD on Māori positive ageing.
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Advice for your Rangatahi
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Tā Mark Solomon (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kuri) is a prominent Māori leader whose commitment to and advocacy for the Māori economy led to his recognition as a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Māori and Business in 2013. Tā Mark’s core philosophy is ‘strength with humility’ reflected in his belief that a true rangatira is a servant of the people
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Advice for your Rangatahi
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Professor Tahu Kukutai (Ngāti Tiipa, Ngāti Kinohaku, Te Aupōuri) is the Co-Director of Ngā Pae o te Maramatanga and a Professor of Demography at the University of Waikato. Tahu specialises in Māori and Indigenous demographic research and is a founding member of the Māori Data Sovereignty Network Te Mana Raraunga and the Global Indigenous Data Alliance. Tahu is a former journalist and has degrees in History, Demography and Sociology from the University of Waikato and Stanford University
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Advice for your Rangatahi
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Jymal (Ngāi Tahu, Te Whakatōhea) is an experienced executive 15+ years contribution to science, research and innovation. Jymal is currently the General Manager Māori Impact Group at ESR (Institute of Environmental Science and Research) and has built a career working alongside Māori organisations at the interface of the wider economy to create sustainable futures, mō tātou ā mō ka uri ā muri ake nei, for us and for those who come after. He is passionate about advancing Aotearoa New Zealand’s social, cultural and economic prosperity through leveraging the cultural assets of both Māori and non-Māori. Jymal is a graduate of Te Panekiretanga o te Reo Māori and holds post-graduate qualifications in Development Studies and Strategic Management from the University of Waikato. He has attended executive courses at Sloan Management School – Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford Woods institute for the Environment, and has a growing catalogue of governance and advisor roles across the Māori economy sector.
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Advice for your Rangatahi
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Dame Farah Palmer (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Waiora, Ngāti Mahuta ki te Hauāuru), is a distinguished academic and former elite rugby player, currently serving as Executive Director in Māori Student Success at Massey University. She is renowned for her groundbreaking role as the former captain of New Zealand’s women's national rugby union team, the Black Ferns, and for being the first female board member of Rugby New Zealand, appointed in December 2016. Farah Palmer boasts an impressive educational background, holding a Doctor of Philosophy and a Bachelor of Physical Education (First Class Honours) from Otago University. She is a prominent leader in various research and educational capacities, including as Acting Director of Te Au Rangahau, the Maori Business Research Centre at Massey University, and as an Executive Board member of Ngā Pae o te Maramatanga at the University of Auckland. Additionally, she is involved with Te Mata o te Tau, Academy for Maori Research and Scholarship. Honored with the title of Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (DNZM) in 2022 for her contributions to sport, particularly rugby, Farah Palmer's career is marked by her commitment to advancing opportunities for women and Maori in leadership and her significant impact on both sports and academic communities.
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Advice for your Rangatahi
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Ko Tararua ngā paemaunga
Ko Rangitīkei te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga te iwi
Ko Ohinepuhiawe te rohe
Ko Parewahawaha te marae
Ko Parewahawaha te tangata
Ko Ngāti Parewahawaha te hapū
Manahautū (Chief Executive) & Chief Operating Officer
Main Dishwasher!
When did you join Pūhoro?
September 2018
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Helping make a difference for Aotearoa and the world!
Advice for your Rangatahi
Stay in School!
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Iron, because I am stubborn
Ko Ngāpuhi rātou ko Ngāti Porou
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu
Ko Rangitāne ngā iwi E whānau au i roto i Heretaunga, i tipu au ki Papaioea.
E noho ana au ki Tāmaki Makaurau ināianei
Manager, Te Urunga Tū (Northern Regions)
I am the self-nominated “Pūhoro HYPE beast” – usually waiting in lines overnight for the next Yeezy drop
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
I love working for Pūhoro because it has re-connected me to Te Ao Māori and our awesome rangatahi!
Advice for your Rangatahi
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Sodium – When you ask me to pass the table salt, all I’ll say is “Na”...dry Pa
Ngai Tū te Aru, Te Whānau ā Hunaara, Ngāti Pāhauwera, Ngāti Mairehau
Manager, Te Urunga Tū (Southern Regions) & Manager, Te Urunga Pae (Tertiary Team)
Dad Joke Advisor and Food Cross-Contamination Officer
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Seeing rangatahi Māori realise their potential and seeing how this transforms both their lives and the lives of their whānau and community
Advice for your Rangatahi
‘Too many people are willing to carry the footstool, when there is a piano to be taken’ – Never shy away from hard work
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Ir (Iridium) because it is the most corrosive-resistant element known, meaning, it is not affected by water, chemicals or acids. There are many elements that change under different stressors and conditions, and while this lends to the beauty of the world we live in, I also appreciate that there is one that is not affected and remains constant, unchanging and enduring – qualities that perhaps compliment some of my own personal characteristics
Ko Wharepūhunga, ko Tararua ngā maunga
Ko Pūniu, ko Manawatū ngā awa
Ko Raukawa ki Wharepūhunga, ko Ngāti Raukawa Te Au ki te Tonga ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Takihiku (ki uta), ko Ngāti Takihiku (ki tai) ngā hapū
Ko Aotearoa, ko Rāwhitiroa, ko Kererū ngā marae
E tere ana ngā kupu whakamānawa ki tēnā, ki tēnā o koutou!
Manager, Events & Chief Advisor to the Manahautū
The winner of all arguments with my husband 😜
When did you join Pūhoro?
February 2022
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
I get to work with other Māori on a kaupapa that makes a difference and helps transform the lives of rangatahi – what’s not to love about that!!
Advice for your Rangatahi
Know your worth, dream big, set goals, work hard, have fun, and make your tūpuna proud!
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Liquid helium because it’s literally the coolest one 😎 (forming at −268.9 °C)
Rere kau mai te awa nui
Mai i te Kāhui Maunga ki Tangaroa
Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au
Manager, Mātauranga Māori
Unofficial euchre champion of the world
When did you join Pūhoro?
January 2022
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Helping tauira Māori
Advice for your Rangatahi
What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Vibranium. It is a rare, naturally occurring metallic substance that possesses the ability to absorb all vibrations in the vicinity as well as kinetic energy directed at it, which is absorbed and stored within the bonds between its molecules. As a result, the more energy vibranium absorbs, the tougher it becomes. Wakanda forever! 🙅🏾♂️
He mokopuna no ngā moana o te Tai Tokerau me Raukawakawa
Pou Auaha - Creative Advisor
I draw things for a living
When did you join Pūhoro?
July 2020
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Its an environment breaking down barriers to normalise Te Ao Māori
Advice for your Rangatahi
Indigenous knowledge will save the world
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Avatar state… yip… yip
Ngāti Kere, Te Whānau a Te Ehutu, Te Hika o Papauma
Pou Tikanga - Senior Māori Advisor
Philosopher and Token “Did you know [insert useless information]” guy.
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Watching rangatahi grow their confidence and establish themselves as young capable Māori in science fields
Advice for your Rangatahi
“If you had one shot, one opportunity..” Always take advantage of the opportunities presented to you, it could be the only time there ever is ...
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Carbon. It can help to (and likely does) make everything. It is basically chemical lego. This reflects me well because sometimes I can feel awesome like diamonds and others I can feel ordinary... like a pencil.
Ko Tararua ngā pae maunga
Ko Ōtaki te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga te iwi
Ko Ngāti Kikopiri me Ngāti Wehiwehi ngā hapū
He uri hoki au nō Ngāti Toarangatira, Te Atiawa, Ngā Rauru, Te Atihaunui-a-Pāpārangi, ā, Kōtimana anō hoki
Pou Mātauranga - Senior Advisor Māori Medium
Te Reo Māori Advocate
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Ko Tangaroa ara rau, ko Tangaroa kiriūka. He Kaupapa tēnei e ahuahu ana i ngā ara pūrau hei whanake i te iwi Māori. He Kaupapa titikaha i ngā moana pukepuke hei kōkiritia ngā kōnekeneke mā ngā rangatahi Māori.
Advice for your Rangatahi
He mātanga pūtaiao a tātou tūpuna mai rā āno. Tīkina te hoe, terea te waka ki pae tawhiti.
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Ngāti Rangi, Te Atihaunui a Paparangi, Waikato, Taranaki, Te Mahurehure
Ruapehu Kaihautū Lead
The Silent One
When did you join Pūhoro?
October 2022
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
I love the mahi that happens for our rangatahi. It's such an awesome kaupapa and the kaimahi are amazing!!
Advice for your Rangatahi
Whatever you do and the choices you make, your tupuna will be proud of.
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Carbon – Carbon compounds regulate the Earth’s temperature, make up the food that sustains us, and provide energy that fuels our global economy.
Ki te taha o toku Pāpā, nō Ngati Tūwharetoa, no Te Ātihaunui-a-Pāpārangi ōku iwi.
Ki te taha o tōku Māmā nō Ngā Puhi, nō Ngāti Porou Ki Harataunga ōku iwi.
Horowhenua/Kāpiti Kaihautū
When did you join Pūhoro?
March 2024 (Pūhoro tauira 2017- 2019)
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Connecting with rangatahi Māori and encouraging them to be the best version of them self, and the inclusiveness in the office space.
Advice for your Rangatahi
Never undervalue who you are and NEVER underestimate what you are capable of…….Stay innnn ittt
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Rather than an element I’d be a compound – H20 Why might you ask? because everyone needs me to survive! Hehe.
Ko Moumoukai toku maunga
Ko Nuhaka te awa
Ko Kahungunu toku marae
Ko Takitimu toku waka
Ko Rakaipaaka toku hapu
Ko Ngati Kahungunu toku iwi
Ko Riwai Pomana toku ingoa
Principal Kaihautū
Basketball Guru
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
I love being apart of something that will help elevate our rangatahi to reach their potential
Advice for your Rangatahi
Anything worthwhile in life is never easy to obtain. Be ready and willing to work hard for it
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Titanium, I just think it sounds cool
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Kahuranaki te maunga
Ko Ngaruroro te awa
Ko Ngāti Poporo te hapu
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Nukanoa te whare tipuna
Ko Korongata te marae
Hawke's Bay Kaihautū Lead
Korean Food Connoisseur
When did you join Pūhoro?
January 2022
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
It’s a pathway to whakamana our rangatahi Māori, a guide to help broaden their horizons
Advice for your Rangatahi
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
I would be Calcium. It’s vital for bones and teeth and it assists in muscle movement by carrying messages from the brain to all our body parts. Always strong, but I can support when needed for anywhere else.
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga (Ngāti Hinemanu,Ngai te Upokoiri)
Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga (Ngatipareraukawa)
Kūki Arini (Rarotonga, Mangaia, Mauke, Aitutaki, Atiu)
Te Ati hanui-a-Paparangi
Hawke's Bay Kaihautū
Gang Awareness Operator
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
This is the first work place where everyone can pronounce my name correctly. More importantly that we are supporting rangatahi in their pursuits in the STEM industries and in turn challenging some of society’s perceived stereotypes of Māori
Advice for your Rangatahi
Give more than you take.
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Krypton(ite) because even Superman has a weakness.
Ko Te Ramaroa a Kupe te maunga
Ko Whirinaki te awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Moria te marae
Te Hiku Tu te hapu
Kupe te tangata
Ko Ngapuhi nui tonu te iwi
Hawkes Bay Kaihautū
Kapa Haka Guru
When did you join Pūhoro?
October 2021
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Everyone calling me by my full first name with ease. Encouraging Rangatahi to achieve their aspirations. Normalising STEMM as Mātauranga Māori
Advice for your Rangatahi
Believe in yourself and you can be whatever you aspire to be
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Neon- I shine/Glow everywhere I go
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Waiapu te awa
Ko Horouta te waka
Ko Mangahanea te marae
Ko Whānau o Hinetapora te hapu
Ko Ngati Porou te iwi
Ōtautahi Kaihautū Lead
Miss 2 Degrees
When did you join Pūhoro?
March 2021
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Throughout my life my family has always supported me in everything I wanted to do which I am so grateful for as I acknowledge that others don’t have the strongest support system. My goal coming into this job was to be able to give our tauira that encouragement and support that my family gave me and be the light that they need to guide them on their journey. I love that I am not only able to give them that support but also be a role model to influence them into a STEM career path they may not have realised was possible - creating an intergenerational change for our tauira and future generations to come!
Advice for your Rangatahi
You are powerful beyond measure, like Marianne Williamson said "It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us" You have enough light to brighten the world. What you believe, you can achieve so don’t stop believing!
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Hydrogen because you wouldn’t want to live without me!
Ko Kahuranaki temanga
Ko Takitimu te Waka
Ko Poukawa te roto
Ko Kahuranaki te hauke te Marae
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Ngāi Te Whatuiapiti te hapu
Ko Annaleise tōku ingoa
Ōtautahi Kaihautū
Puts hand up for anything
When did you join Pūhoro?
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Being able to give back to the Pūhoro programme and help other Pūhoro students
Advice for your Rangatahi
ANYTHING you need help with, Pūhoro has got you covered
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
Nitrogen, it’s in our DNA to love it
Ko Tararua te maunga
Ko Ruamahanga te awa
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu me Rangitāne ōku iwi
Ko Samuel Te Tau rāua ko Maureen Murphy ōku mātua
Ko Amber Te Tau ahau
Manawatū Kaihautū
(Crazy) Cat lady through and through
When did you join Pūhoro?
I joined Pūhoro in 2017 as a year 12 student at PNGHS. I became a tutor in 2019, and have picked up the Tutor Lead role this year
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
I love working for Pūhoro because I have experienced the benefits of the program, and know first hand how life changing it can be. I love to help people, and through the Tutor Lead position I can do this both directly and indirectly.
Advice for your Rangatahi
I would encourage all Rangitahi to follow their passion. It's also okay to change your mind, if you find your passion is falling, then switch it up! You don't know what you're capable of until you try - and Pūhoro sees your potential, so trust us when we say you will achieve great things.
If you were an element, what element would
you be and why?
If I was an element, I would be Sodium - I took a quiz to find out. I guess I can be both stable and reactive when needed!
I tipu au ki Rotorua, i roto i te rohe o ‘Ngā Waru Pūmanawa’ o Te Arawa
Ko Tarawera te maunga
Ko Rerewhakaaitu te roto
Ināianei, ka noho ahau me tōku whānau ki raro i ngā pae maunga o Tararua me Ruāhine
Ko Manawatū te awa
Ko Rangitāne te iwi
Ko ‘Tangata Tiriti’ tōku iwi
Poutātari - Data Analyst
Ally and salesforce enthusiast
When did you join Pūhoro?
July 2023
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Having the chance to give back in a kaupapa Māori organisation that is making a genuine impact is a real privilege for me. I love a challenge and I'm excited to play a role in supporting Pūhoro as it looks to increase its reach.
Advice for your Rangatahi
Be curious, try new things - knowing what doesn't float your boat is an important part of discovering your passion. Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui!
If you were an element, what elment would you be, and why?
Aluminium (Al) – versatile and good at making connections. As an analyst I thrive in the space where people, processes and technology intersect. Being able to see all the connections we make with tauira, whānau and partners is an important part of my mahi.
Te Atihaunui-a-Pāpārangi
Kaitiaki Pūtea - Financial Coordinator
The go to for all things financial...
When did you join Pūhoro?
July 2023
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Working in a kaupapa Māori organisation where it focuses on giving our rangatahi the guidance and opportunities to excel in STEMM
Advice for your Rangatahi
Take every opportunity in life, work hard and always be respectful
If you were an element, what elment would you be, and why?
Tungsten (W) - Tungsten is rare and remarkable for its robustness, especially the fact that it has the highest melting point. "Cool under pressure" - Symbol also W for Whitney.
Ko Aorangi te maunga
Ko Hautapu, ko Moawhango, ko Rangitīkei ngā awa
Ko Ngāti Tamakōpiri, ko Ngāti Whitikaupeka, ko Ngāi Te Ohuake, ko Ngāti Hauiti, ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tamatea, ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa, ko Ngāi Tahu ngā iwi
Ko Opaea me Moawhangongā ngā Marae
Nō Taihape ahau
Communications & Marketing Advisor
COMMander and Chief
When did you join Pūhoro?
September 2022
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Seeing young Māori thrive, overcome barriers and achieve things they never thought were possible.
Advice for your Rangatahi
You have unlimited potential and can achieve anything you want to achieve.
If you were an element, what elment would you be, and why?
Iron because its strong, steady and indispensable.
Ko Taupiri, Ko Pirongia, Ko Maungapohatu ōku maunga
Ko Waikato, ko Rangitaiki ōku awa
Ko Tainui, ko Aotea, ko Mātaatua ōku waka
Ko Te Totara, ko Ngahina, ko Wahipaa ōku Marae
Ko Waikato, Ko Tainui ōku iwi
Ko Toni tōku ingoa
Mana Takapau - Events Manager
Kai Queen – I love to cook and bake almost as much as I love to eat and share it!!
When did you join Pūhoro?
February, 2024
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Being able to work in a kaupapa Māori environment. Knowing our mahi combined contributes to the growth and success of our rangatahi. Watching them harness their super-powers, take hold of the reigns and gorge their pathway to a fulfilling and successful future.
Advice for your Rangatahi
Not so much advice but more of a reminder that you are already a super star; we are just here to help you navigate your way through your learning journey.
If you were an element, what elment would you be, and why?
I’d have to be Hydrogen. It can power vehicles, heat our homes and generate electricity, which is pretty awesome. It could also contribute to lowering our carbon emissions, which is pretty relevant to the world’s goal of achieving net zero emissions.
Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te iwi
Ko Ngāti Whawhakia te hapū
Ko Te Kauri te marae
Mana Takapau - Events Manager
The Go-Getter
When did you join Pūhoro?
September 2021
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
Having the opportunity to be connected to a kaupapa such as Pūhoro speaks for itself and I am lucky to be amongst dedicated and passionate people who strive to lift and inspire rangatahi Māori within STEMM.
Advice for your Rangatahi
Build on your strengths and see challenges as a way for you to learn and grow. DON'T GIVE UP! Kia maumahara ki tōu - Cherish your absolute uniqueness.
If you were an element, what elment would you be, and why?
Magnesium - Magnesium is crucial to the body's function and I believe that I have a crucial and integral part of ensuring things function well for our rangatahi.
Ko Kahuranaki te maunga
Ko Kahuranaki te marae
Ko Poukawa te roto
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Te Whatuiapiti te hāpu
Ko Ngati Kahungunu te iwi
Mana Takapau - Events Manager
The Gatekeeper
When did you join Pūhoro?
September 2019
What do you love about working for Pūhoro?
I love how Pūhoro makes STEMM exciting and engaging for our rangatahi.
Advice for your Rangatahi
Easy life now, hard life later OR Hard life now, easy life later. It's up to you!
If you were an element, what elment would you be, and why?