
Government commitment to Māori Education continues

5 July 2023

Substantial support for Māori Education has continued in Budget 2023, including a boost for the Pūhoro STEM Academy.


  • Biggest-ever investment in property with more money for new sites and modernisation
  • Roll-out of learning support coordination in kaupapa Māori and Māori Medium Schooling
  • Boost in funding for iwi and schools to work together on Local Histories content

Substantial support for Māori Education has continued in Budget 2023, including a big boost to learning support.

“Since we became Government we have walked the talk when funding Māori Education, an area that has long been neglected,” Associate Minister of Education Kelvin Davis said.

“That has seen money for new teachers and learning resources, huge investment in property, improved classrooms, new land for kura and much more. I’m pleased to be able to continue that direction in Budget 2023.”

The focus this year continues to be on infrastructure, which the Government has increased funding for in the past three budgets, alongside learning support coordination for schools and kura providing kaupapa Māori/Māori Medium education.

This is expected to benefit around 25,000 ākonga Māori who are learning in 325 schools and kura who will be better connected with supports that align to Kaupapa Māori and Māori medium education settings.

In total, $225 million will go directly into Māori Education, seeing even more kura built and modernised and teacher scholarships extended.

On top of the core package, Budget 2023 will also boost outcomes for Māori ākonga through broader initiatives such as extending funding for important teacher supply initiatives to boost enrolments for Māori teachers and the delivery of Mātauranga Māori provision, including te reo Māori.

Partnerships with Māori and iwi-led organisations will also be strengthened, including a boost for the Pūhoro STEM Academy to take an extra 6,500 ākonga Māori into their programme that will lead to more Māori with the qualifications to enter into these key industries.

“I know in particular the learning support funding will be well received, it is something that has been high on the agenda,” Kelvin Davis said.

“We have been committed to addressing inequities that have been allowed to develop in Māori education for too long. Over the years we have invested more than $1 billion to properly fund this space.

“While this has been gratifying, we have also boosted the skills and capabilities of mainstream schools and teachers by boosting their confidence in te reo and Te Ao Māori, benefitting our country as a whole.”

An expansion of the work between the Crown and iwi to develop and introduce local histories curriculum in schools and kura will also receive a boost.

An additional $9.92m will go towards work with up to 57 new iwi that will help bring local histories to life, with the creation of engaging content that will be more accessible and culturally inclusive.

“Well over a billion dollars has now been put into Māori education by this Government, which has benefitted not only Māori Medium and Kaupapa Māori Education but also mainstream schools,” Kelvin Davis said.

“We have not only given well-overdue support to our Māori education system that for too long has struggled with inequity, but upskilled teachers in their use and confidence in te reo and Te Ao Māori benefitting our country as a whole.”

Notes for editors:

Full Budget 2023 Māori Education elements:

  • $112.5m to build more classrooms and modernise existing ones
  • $21.88m for the expansion, maintenance, and remediation of existing kura, kōhanga reo, and puna reo sites alongside capital investment costs
  • $39.89m to support and strengthen partnerships with Māori and iwi-led organisations in Māori education
  • $40.42m for learning support coordination in kaupapa Māori and Māori medium schooling
  • $9.92m for work with up to 57 iwi in supporting the rollout of the local histories curriculum
  • $1.35m to extend funding for several critical teaching supply initiatives, including the TeachNZ scholarships

View the source article here:āori-education-continues

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